Multifocal lenses as an anti-aging product
In 2020, roughly 50% of United Kingdom's citizens were over 40 years old1, a percentage that has been only increasing with time2. This reversal of the age pyramid is unfortunate, but on the other hand, this development brings great opportunities for your business, because sooner or later, everyone becomes presbyopic and needs an appropriate visual aid.
Much money is spent on a young appearance
But it is also a fact that people today remain healthy, fit and agile for much longer, and attach great importance to a youthful, well-groomed appearance. Often this age group is somewhat better off financially than younger patients, and they are willing to pay good money for a youthful appearance. Measures such as hair colouring, anti-wrinkle creams etc. are harmless and affordable for everyone.
Although measures such as Botox, eyelid tightening, acid peelings and cosmetic surgery are expensive and invasive they are booming. Neither costs nor efforts are spared to squeeze out a few years of looking younger. And let’s be honest: don't we all aspire to having a little help?
Multifocal lenses as anti-aging measures and a sales booster for your practice
Many of these rejuvenation measures are expensive, exhausting, time-consuming and sometimes even risky. So, it's a good thing there's something that helps our vision making us look younger, is easy to use, doesn't hurt, or break the bank financially- the solution is multifocal contact lenses! Can you think of anything that makes a person look older than arms that are getting longer and longer or the head tilted back in a cramped manner when trying to read some fine print?
You may ask why multifocal contact lenses are not more in demand then? Quite simply: because very few consumers, even current contact lens wearers know that such a thing exists and therefore don't even think to ask about it. A recent study3 highlights the huge potential in the management of patients with presbyopia. Patients of this age group are happy to receive suggestions and recommendations from their eye care practitioner including upgrading contact lenses and dual wear options. The day-to-day problems encountered by the existing contact lens wearers in this study (like poor vision or growing discomfort with their single-vision lenses) often are things that could be easily tackled by additional counselling and instruction from the eye care practitioners.
Information as a path to success
So, don’t assume that your patients know about multifocal contact lenses. Inform them about the possibility of correcting their presbyopia with multifocal contact lenses. Take advantage of your presbyopic patients’ high willingness to invest money and effort in a younger appearance and offer them progressive lenses - a simple, highly effective and at the same time quite affordable anti-aging product.
You'll be amazed at how often this conversation opens new doors and compliments glasses wear. So, it’s not either one or the other, but rather both: contact lenses and glasses.
Menicon is here to support you
Menicon can help you with multifocal contact lenses – we offer a broad range of high-quality products, from our Miru family of disposable lenses to RGP lenses. We also help you with the fitting. Contact us to take part in one of our fitting courses and to use our free POS materials to promote multifocal contact lenses in your practice. Your patients will love you for making them look younger, remain active and enjoy the benefits at times from the freedom from glasses!
1Office for National Statistics. “Age Groups.” Gov.uk. Updated: 17 August, 2020 https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/uk-population-by-ethnicity/demographics/age-groups/latest
2Storey, Angele. “Voices of our ageing population: Living longer lines.” Ons.gov.uk. 2 November, 2022. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/ageing/articles/voicesofourageingpopulation/livinglongerlives
3Exploring contact lens opportunities for patients above the age of 40 years Shehzad A. Naroo, Manbir Nagra, Neil Retallic, Contact Lens and Anterior Eye