To believe or not to believe in contact lenses!
We live in a world full of myths that often go back generations, some of these beliefs are so strong that even with compelling evidence we still find it a challenge to separate fact from fiction. A striking visual related example is our perception that bulls appear to get angry by the colour red. Many are surprised when they discover bulls are red-green colour blind, and it is most likely the movement of the cape by the matador (figure 1) rather than the colour which triggers the anger response.
Figure 1. Dispelling myths, such as red angers bulls, can be a challenge.
Contact lens misunderstandings also exist, which for some are holding them back from experiencing the visual, practical, and emotional benefits they provide. The good news is these can usually be overcome with good education and communication. Some customer-friendly phrasing to dispel some of the common myths are provided below.
1. Myth: Contact lenses may not be suitable for my eyes.
Suggested response: You’ll be pleased to know that most people can wear contact lenses and you’re more than likely one of them. In fact, there are an estimated 140 million contact lens wearers worldwide, including people of all ages and those with astigmatism!
The evidence: Publications such as BCLA CLEAR reminds us that mass-produced soft lens will fit 75-90% of eyes and for those with more irregular eye shape profiles or high prescriptions there are usually numerous custom-made options available in a range of different materials.
2. Myth: I’m too young for contact lenses.
Suggested response: It doesn’t matter how old or young you are ‒ almost everyone can wear contact lenses. You’ll be amazed at how quickly little ones adapt to them!
The evidence: Contact lenses for children are dependent on their ability to be fitted, care for lenses, their maturity, and motivation. The ACHIEVE study concluded that contact lenses significantly improve how children feel about their physical appearance, their acceptance among friends, their ability to play sports and their academic performance. So, lenses can provide more than just visual benefits.
3. Myth: I’m too old for contact lenses.
Suggested response: Age is just a number and contact lenses can complement active busy lifestyles independent of age, helping to feel young at heart and overcome frustrations of the increasing needs for sight correction. There’s are more multifocal lens options than ever before!
The evidence: There is no data stating an upper or lower age limit for contact lenses, meaning we should be discussing the options with anyone suitable (figure 2). The advancements in optical designs, materials and options available mean multifocal contact lens success rates are high and often the preferred option for those with presbyopia.
Figure 2: contact lenses are suitable for most people to enhance active lifestyles
4. Myth: Contact lenses can get lost/stuck behind your eye.
Suggested response: It’s physically impossible for a contact lens to get lost or stuck behind your eyes. That’s because there’s a thin membrane that covers the white part of your eye and connects to the inner eyelids. Think of it as a built-in safety net!
The evidence: The eye’s anatomical features make it unlikely for lenses to move ‘behind’ the eye. They may move out of the visible eyeline and become temporarily trapped, although the eyelids help restricts how far they can move.
5. Myth: Contact lenses are uncomfortable.
Suggested response: You’re about to be pleasantly surprised. Contact lenses are actually one of the most convenient and comfortable eye care solutions. You may even forget you’re wearing them! Think soft, supple, and satisfyingly hydrating.
The evidence: A landmark study compared daily disposable contact lenses, spectacles and non-wearing benchmarks and found no statistically significant difference in terms of comfort or visual quality. Regular reviews will enable performance to be maximised, allowing for comparisons to be made between comfortable wearing times, visual quality and desired schedules.
6. Myth: Contact lenses are a hassle, and difficult to apply and remove.
Suggested response: As with all rituals, contact lens care will soon become second nature. Daily disposables are considered the most convenient option, but reusable lenses are simple to clean and store. Putting in and taking out contact lenses is like riding a bike ‒ you just need to work with your eye care practitioner to learn the knack.
The evidence: A common reason for early dropout is handling related factors. Like with any new skill, good education, a supportive approach from the teacher, and allocating dedicated time to learn and practice are likely to be key to success. Follow up courtesy calls (in the first week) may be beneficial and provide the opportunity for coaching to be provided.
7. Myth: Contact lenses aren’t good for occasional wear.
Suggested response: For all those moments when glasses get in the way, contact lenses can come to the rescue – whether you’re exercising, socialising or just going about your day. The flexibility of wearing glasses and contact lenses is a huge benefit.
The evidence: The convenience of wearing contacts intermittently, without the need to readjust, is a great feature. Success is clear with part-time, flexible and full-time wear depending on what best suits the individual. Very few contact lens wearers will solely wear contact lenses and 81% of wearers say that wearing contact lenses and glasses gives them the best of both worlds
8. Myth: Contact lenses are expensive.
Suggested response: When you consider the huge benefits of contact lenses, they actually offer fantastic value for money. In fact, they can cost less around €1 a time!
The evidence: Looking at the value vs benefits makes contact lenses a real bargain! The great advantage of the market range means there are offerings to suit all budgets, and when considering additional benefits this may help justify to the consumer the higher prices for premium offerings. Interesting although most non-wearers appreciate the visual and practical benefits, they don’t seem to perceive the psychological benefits to the same extent as those who wear contact lenses.
9. Myth: Contact lenses are bad for your eyes.
Suggested response: Trust us, your eyes will love contact lenses ‒ you just need to wear and care for them correctly. Let’s talk numbers: only around 1 in 10,000 wearers per year experience contact lens-related infections with daily wear.
The evidence: The associated risks are small, often mild in relation to the benefits to wearers, and frequently resolve on the removal of lenses. Corneal infection incidences range from 1-2 per 10,000 wearers for daily compliant use, to 20 per 10,000 with overnight wear.
10. Myth: People who drop out from wearing contact lenses won’t ever wear them again.
Suggested response: It seems you can’t have too much of a good thing, because refitting success is reported to be high (>70%), providing that the benefits of contact lenses are simply too good to miss!
The evidence: A review of contact lens dropout research found a pooled mean contact lens dropout frequency of 21.7%. On a positive note, most are “lapsed wearers” rather than “permanent dropouts” and around three quarters (74%) of dropouts can successfully resume contact lens wear. It's important is to revisit what they enjoyed about contact lenses, establish a motivation, and remind them of what they loved about lens wear (figure 3).
“What did you love about wearing contact lenses?”
“What activities did you use your contact lenses for?”
“What do you miss about wearing contact lenses and why did you stop?”
Figure 3: Revisiting the conversation with previous lens wearers
Most of us can benefit from having contact lenses so finding links to personal motivators and taking a proactive reassuring approach are important to win over those with initial concerns.