Paul Rose Named Inaugural Recipient of the British Contact Lens Association Industry Award
Birmingham, England, 9 June 2014 - Paul Rose, inventor of the Rose K family of lens designs for irregular cornea, has been named at the first-ever recipient of the British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) Industry Award. Launched in 2013 to honor and recognize the entrepreneurial work being carried out by individuals working in contact lens science, research and technology, the 2014 BCLA Industry Award was bestowed on Dr. Rose during the BCLA’s annual Gala Dinner on June 7.
Dr. Rose, recovering from recent surgery for an injured Achilles’ tendon, was unable to receive the award in person. Dr. Jennifer Choo, Manager for Global Specialty Lens Business and Clinical Affairs for Menicon, accepted the award on Paul’s behalf from BCLA president Andy Yorke. Menicon Co. Ltd. of Nagoya, Japan purchased the Rose K family of irregular cornea designs from Paul Rose in 2008 and currently manufactures, distributes or licenses the designs in nearly 90 countries worldwide.
Said Dr. Choo, “This award is a recognition of someone who is committed and dedicated to his craft, someone who is extremely gifted and talented in the art of lens design, but most importantly someone who genuinely cares about every aspect of this contact lens industry”.
In a pre-recorded video statement played for gala attendees, Paul Rose thanked Dr. Choo, Menicon Co. Ltd. and Menicon’s UK affiliate, David Thomas Contact Lenses.
Dr. Rose continued, “In accepting this award, I do so on behalf of the many people who have contributed to make my lenses as universal as they are today. [These] lens designs have evolved out of a desire and passion to make a better lens for patients whose lifestyle is often compromised by their condition, and a lens that could be easily used by the majority of prescribers with reasonable success”.
“Certainly in my wildest dreams, I could have never envisaged my designs being used in as many countries as they are today. I am still very passionate about what I do, and I will continue to add further designs to the Rose K family,” Paul concluded.
Paul Rose has received two previous awards for his work with the Rose K lens. In recognition of the original Rose K lens design, the Contact Lens Manufacturers of America presented him with their Creative Design and Process Award in 2000. In 2007, Dr. Rose received the European Federation of Contact Lens and IOL Industries EFCLIN award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the contact lens industry.