2week Menicon PremiO Toric

Just like Menicon PremiO, these lenses guarantee excellent visual quality from the very first moment of wear thanks to the moistening, water-retaining agent, “Menisilk.” Menicon PremiO Toric coating fights against lipid buildup.

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More about the Visiostable design for astigmatism

Menicon PremiO Toric, the first visiostable design for astigmatic correction.

This revolutionary back toric design features double vertical asymmetric slab-off and horizontal right and left ballast for axis stabilization.

These new design features were conceived to work effectively with eyelid anatomy to provide enhanced lens comfort as well as to ensure outstanding on-eye lens stabilization, leading to exceptional levels of visual performance.

Additionally, the MeniSilk and nanogloss technologies, combined with the innovative thin back toric design, allow for the manufacture of hyper-transmissible lenses - providing the highest corneal oxygenation of all toric silicone hydrogel contact lenses on the market (Dk/t 161).

This breakthrough in technology provides astigmatic patients with natural, comfortable vision throughout the day.


Diameter 14.00 mm  
Base curve 8.60 mm  
Center thickness 0.08 mm (-3.00D)  
Dk/t 161  
Power range 0.00D to -6.00D (in 0.25D steps)
-6.50D to -13.00D (in 0.50D steps)
Cylinder -0.75 / -1.25 -0.75 / -1.25 / -1.75
Axis 90º 10º, 20º, 90º, 160º, 170º, 180º

Menicon Ltd.

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  • +44 (0)1604 646216
  • enquiries@menicon.co.uk