More comfort for RGP contact lens wearers
Natural formulation
Natural formulation
Ɛ-Poly-L-lysine (Ɛ-PL)
ε-PL is a natural homopolymer of the essential amino acid L-lysine.
It is naturally secreted by various Streptomycetaceae bacteria and some filamentous fungi. Industrial production of ε-PL is carried out by aerobic fermentation of Streptomyces albulus strain.
Vitamin C Glucoside (VCG)
VCG is a stabilized vitamin C for aqueous products and, once introduced to the eye, VCG decomposes into vitamin C and glucose through enzymatic (glucosidase) reaction. The functions of vitamin C are well known as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and for collagen production.
Hyaluronic acid (HA)
Hyaluronic acid possesses an excellent ability to retain moisture and has a high affinity to the mucin layer on the corneal epithelium therefore it can support corneal epithelial repair.
Directions for Use
Wash your hands thoroughly before handling your contact lenses:
1) Rub the lens carefully with several drops of MENICARE PURE for 20 seconds.
2) Place the lenses in the right and left lens holders and rinse them with MENICARE PURE.
3) Fill the lens case with MENICARE PURE and soak the lenses for at least 30 minutes or overnight.
4) Before insertion, rinse the lenses with MENICARE PURE.
5) Keep the lens case clean and dry after use.