Are you becoming far-sighted? Discover Menicon multifocal lenses
As soon as the first signs of age-related far-sightedness appear (blurred close-up vision, particularly under subdued light; holding things further away to read them; etc.), consider Menicon Z multifocal contact lenses.
As your far-sightedness changes over time, Menicon Z multifocal contact lenses change as well, guaranteeing you optimum vision quality.
A range of Z multifocal contact lenses are available for all types of short-sightedness and for all stages of age-related far-sightedness, regardless of whether:
- You have never worn either glasses or contact lenses.
- You already wear glasses for far-sightedness.
- You are already short-sighted or far-sighted and/or astigmatic.
There is a contact lens solution especially for you!
After conducting an eye examination and listening to your near- and distance-vision requirements, your specialist will determine exactly what type of lens is most suitable for your eyes and lifestyle.
He or she will define the characteristics of your contact lenses by determining the addition required for your far-sightedness (if you already wear glasses, this may still differ).
Your specialist will tell you how to wear and maintain your lenses and how to insert and remove your contact lenses when wearing them progressively.
All Menicon Z multifocal contact lenses are made of Z material, ultra-permeable to oxygen, allowing them to be worn daily and/or continuously for up to 30 days in complete safety.
Each contact lens has a very specific near-view and distance-view zone. Several choices of geometry are proposed according to two vision principles: alternate vision and simultaneous vision.

Alternate vision...
You decide whether you want to see close-up or far-off; it all depends on where you direct your gaze.

Simultaneous vision...
All images reach your retina at the same time, whatever the distance and the object you are looking at. Your brain spontaneously sorts out these images, only focusing on distant or near images